Monday, March 5, 2012

Buds of New Growth

It's March and the temperatures in Denver are slated to hit near 70-degrees tomorrow. Crazy for the snowiest month of the year. But it also reminds me that Spring and gardening are right around the corner. I am holding myself back from searching for buds of new growth that I know are already evident.

I'm hoping there are buds of new growth evident in my own life as well. Too soon to tell?

I wrote a blog post a month ago about several new commitments I was making 31 days into the new year. So now that 31+ days have passed I want to see if there are any buds to show for February.

1) Fitness - Okay I've lost about 5 lbs but it's mostly cutting out dessert and other basic (and I mean basic) improvements to my eating habits. I still have work to do on eating three meals a day. But I did buy a juicer to help increase the fruits and veggies in my diet. And it isn't evidence of new fitness habits. So, much more work is yet to do before I can claim buds.
2) Organization - Now here I can spot some serious buds in my personal garden. I am really making progress tackling one drawer at a time. I've made more trips to Goodwill and have a pile of household stuff for a cool consignment store I frequent. It's amazing how when you start checking things off the gets shorter. I am loving simplifying and creating more fertile ground in which to plant my life.
3) Devotion - I haven't jumped back into my study of David as planned but I am loving my lenten book on simplicity, Simplifying the Soul, and One Thousand Gifts. Both books are giving me so much to think and pray about.

That you may walk (live and conduct yourselves) in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him and desiring to please Him in all things, bearing fruit in every good work and steadily growing and increasing in and by the knowledge of God [with fuller, deeper, and clearer insight, acquaintance, and recognition]. Colossians 1:10

(Photo Credit - This wonderful photo was taken by my sister-in-law Gwen)

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