Thursday, February 23, 2012

My Lenten Journey, Day 2

Yesterday I tackled a closet (the equivalent of my junk drawer) I will be scrubbing a dirty corner. 

"The act of physically scrubbing out a dirty corner, especially one that is hidden, can be a helpful reminder of our preference for life on the shining surface. And the humility required to get down in the muck this way, taking on an onerous job the results of which few will ever notice, helps point us in a new direction, toward life in the light of the Spirit." p.7 (Simplifying the Soul)

"Today, spend a litle time thinking about a particularly unappealing cleaning job you have been putting off....Whatever you choose, however, take it slowly and deliberately; looking hard at what time and neglect have wrought. When you're done -- and here's the tough part -- resist the temptation to point out your hard work to anyone, especially your spouse. Instead, in the privacy of your heart, pray for the gift of discernment regarding hidden sin, and for the grace of forgiveness." p.8

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