A huge thanks to Keri Wyatt Kent for this guest post on Thimbleful of Time. I own and have read several of Keri's books, and am current reading Deeply Loved: 40 Ways in 40 Days to Experience the Heart of Jesus. In fact, Deeply Loved is my Lenten devotional this year. I hope you are blessed by Keri's post today.
Guest post by Keri Wyatt Kent

Our culture has turned distraction into an art form—we’ve invented a million ways to interrupt ourselves. But what distracts us most often is not the phone call or text or latest cute video on Facebook—it’s fear.
The Bible tells us this truth: “perfect love casts out fear.”
So I wonder if the opposite is true. Does fear cast out perfect love?
Do you suppose that’s why God, throughout Scripture, keeps
repeating, “Do not be afraid”? Because our fear keeps us from experiencing
Our distractions—the things that nag at the corners of our
mind—are really little fears, worries, frets. Even when they’re small, they
keep us from focusing on Jesus, on his deep love for us.
Worry builds walls around us—walls we may even fool
ourselves into thinking are “safe.” We think our worry holds disaster at bay,
when really, we put ourselves through stress and imagined pain for no reason.
When we focus on Jesus’ love for us, his perfect love, it banishes our fears. We can more easily obey his directive: “do not worry.”
Telling someone to not worry is a bit like telling them not to think about a blue elephant. Once they hear that, they can’t think of anything besides that elephant. Rather, we must focus on the positive: to think about his love, to pray. And not lines like “Dear God, please help me with this thing I’m worried about.” But rather, prayers of thankfulness, of gratitude. Prayers in which we listen—and hear: you are my beloved. Focus on his love for you, his perfect love. Remind yourself of his provision.
Today, make a list of ways that God has shown you his love:
through provision, relationships, comfort, his presence. Write them down, and
thank God for each thing. Let gratitude replace your worries. Let this list of
examples of God’s perfect love cast out your fears.
About the Author:
Keri Wyatt Kent
is the author of ten books, a freelance writer and speaker. She writes and
speaking about slowing down, simplifying and listening to God. To learn more,
join Keri on a 40 day Lent study of her book on Facebook or by following her
on Twitter (@KeriWyattKent #DeeplyLoved).
LINK: Facebook.com/deeplylovedbook