The blogger I have been following the longest is The Simple Wife. Joanne and her family live right in my neighborhood, although I have never met them. I've certainly prayed for them. Their world was turned upside down on January 11, 2011 when Joanne suffered a major stroke. A friend of mine posted her story on Facebook and I've been following ever since. It's a story of endurance; when life doesn't turn out the way we thought it would. When miracles are measured in small things not the complete resolution of pain.
Then there are the Deckers. Again, Denver neighbors. A young couple married but two years and already battling what will be a lifelong battle with Crohns. We've enchanged blog comments and emails. I have never met them, but boy have I prayed for them. I am absolutely fond of Carly -- she's the women I wanted to be in my 20's. I love watching them grow and fight through the struggle and find the joy of life together when "for better or worse, in sickness and health" has more reality for them than for most. When I read their story, I am encouraged that God wastes nothing. He is certainly using them.
My most recent blog follow is being played out by the hour on Facebook -- Jay's Warrior. Jay is dying...any day, any hour. This young man is faithful to the end. Again, nothing is wasted. His family is suffering and yet they are resolved to find their joy in the Lord. Incredible. 34,574 people are following his story. Amazing.
There are others. It seems that at any one time in my life I have three or four friends with a CaringBridge site. What a terrific organization - CaringBridge - allowing those battling serious illness to blog their story.
Thank you Joanne (and Toben), Ryan and Carly, and Jay (and Jay's family) for keeping me grounded; for reminding me that whatever we experience in this world does not compare with what will be experienced in our true home. You remain in my prayers daily.
1 Chronicles 28:20
...“Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the Lord is finished.